Our team of allied health practitioners understand that optimising your health over the life span can be a complex journey. We know that what we do with our physical activity can have a huge impact on how long we can remain ‘young’ and continue to do the things we love into our later years.
To help you stay fit and active for as long as possible, iNform Health & Fitness Solutions have created a Fitness Forecaster program. iNform is a team of Exercise Physiologists & Exercise Scientists who are part of Move for Better Health’s multidisciplinary team that operate from our Malvern clinic and their own standalone Norwood clinic.
The Fitness Forecaster program benchmarks your current strength and fitness levels, and helps you understand how well prepared you are for the physical requirements of your future decades. This allows you to understand the strength and fitness trajectory you’re on, whether that lines up with the goals you’ve set for yourself, and if not, what you need to do differently.
If you want to be picking up grandkids, carrying luggage on overseas holidays, or continuing to take part in your favourite past-times like gardening or sport, you’ll need a certain level of strength and fitness to be able to achieve those goals.
As you get older, your strength and fitness levels naturally decline, however this trajectory can be altered with the right type of interventions. iNform’s results with the Fitness Forecaster program have demonstrated that when we put the right interventions in place, the increases in fitness and strength lead to an additional 10 to 15 years of health and well being, and doing what you love!
How does the Fitness Forecaster work?
The Fitness Forecaster consists of 2 face to face sessions with an Exercise Scientist.
The first session is a fitness and strength testing session, approximately 60 minutes long (however, you’ll only be exercising for about 20 minutes of that time). This testing includes an aerobic fitness test and 4 strength tests benchmarked against your age and gender.
The aerobic fitness test lasts about 10-15 minutes, and while it gradually becomes more challenging, it is not a maximal effort. This test will get you to approximately 70-80% of your maximum heart rate which will make you feel like you are breathing harder but it shouldn’t feel uncomfortable. The strength tests require you to try as hard as you can so long as you can perform them pain free. However, these tests generally do not last any longer than 30 seconds.
The second session is a coaching session to help you interpret your results and plan your future exercise regime. You will also receive a report of your results and recommendations!
How do I book?
You can read more about the Fitness Forecaster program here. To book, contact iNform Health & Fitness Solutions on (08) 8431 2111 or Move for Better Health on (08) 8373 5655.