
Tendons attach our muscles to bone. Tendinopathy is a condition which generally affects the area right where the tendon inserts into the bone. It can occur in all tendons, most commonly appearing in the hip, glutes, proximal (upper) hamstring, patella, achilles, rotator cuff and elbow.

It can be caused by acute injury, but more commonly, it is because of a combination of factors: some sort of change in your exercise routine, age, previous history of very high load exercise, previous tendon problems, general health and hormonal changes, or sometimes even certain medications. Depending on the tendon affected, pain is usually fairly localised and can flare up overnight or even the day after exercise.

About Tendinopathy Treatment

Our Physiotherapists adopt an evidence based approach in the management of this condition, and stay up to date with the latest research.

New research shows that Tendinopathy is different to many other conditions treated by Physiotherapists, as it responds more favorably to hands-off treatment and a structured loading (exercise) programme. We educate patients on what to avoid when managing Tendinopathy, and which home exercises to perform.

What to Expect

Our Physiotherapists will first perform a thorough assessment of your medical history and symptoms to get a better understanding of your pain.

During this assessment, they will also do some specific tests to help with an accurate diagnosis. Occasionally, we may recommend further imaging (Ultrasound, for example).

You can expect to do specific exercises to help manage this problem. This may be a combination of supervised exercise and a home exercise programme.

How to Book

To book with any of our experienced & qualified allied health staff, you can:

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