Move for Better Health offers a variety of alternatives to attending face to face appointments at our clinics.  

Although our preference is always to see you personally at the clinic when possible, we understand that this can’t always happen.  Whether you live too far away, are too busy or are stuck at home for other reasons, we are here to help.

We tailor the way we deliver consultations to your specific needs and technology. This includes the use of phone calls, emails, video calls and other online programs. Today’s technology means that it has never been easier for us to connect with you.

The following services are available for our clients who can’t attend the clinic:

Physio and Exercise Sessions

  • Phone call to check in with your physio regarding your condition 
  • Telehealth Physitrack Consultation – an appointment with your physio which includes a video call to assess your condition, diagnose your problem, provide advice on how to manage symptoms, self treatment strategies and home exercises. The Physitrack app also allows us to provide you with exercise videos and information sheets which help with managing your problem after the call. This option is suitable for new problems or for conditions you have already seen the physio for.
  • Telehealth Physitrack 1:1 Exercise Session – an appointment for our clients who usually attend regular exercise sessions at the clinic including, Physio Exercise Classes or Physio Movement or Reformer Classes. This is a 1:1 video call with your physiotherapist who can instruct you through an exercise session to help with your mobility, strength and balance.

Exercise Physiology

  • Phone call to check in with your exercise physiologist regarding your program
  • Telehealth Physitrack 1:1 Session –  This is a 1:1 video call with your exercise physiologist to train you at home! We can also build a home program for you to do on your own, based on your needs, and your available equipment. Your Exercise Physiologist have a great understanding of your body and it’s capacity so why not get a bespoke program?
  • Online Health Coaching – We can provide regular health coaching and accountability sessions either through a phone call or Physitrack


  • Telephone consultationthis option may be available to some existing patients of our psychology services. If you think this would be suitable for you, please contact the clinic. 
  • Telehealth Coviu Consultation – a virtual appointment with your clinical psychologist which includes a video call to discuss your current difficulties and provide education about management strategies. This option is suitable for both new and existing clients.

How to Book

To get in touch with us or book an appointment, you can:

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