Mindfulness Meditation can help you to relax quickly and effectively, improve concentration, cope with pain and cultivate a deep sense of well-being and happiness. Mindfulness is a stream of meditation at the centre of much academic research and is particularly useful for dealing with pain. It is a technique, or tool for cultivating insight, clarity and understanding.

In a health context, this involves gaining a greater understanding (through direct experience) of your own nature and habitual thoughts, the interplay between your mind and body which can lead to profound changes.

Over two decades of published research indicates that the majority of people who complete Mindfulness based courses report:

  • Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
  • An increased ability to relax
  • Reductions in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away
  • Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
  • An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations.

Depending on your individual circumstances, it may be beneficial for you to choose one pathway over another to start practicing Mindfulness Meditation. The main options are:

  1. Individual Sessions
  2. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

Individual Sessions

This pathway is encouraged for those wanting a more flexible option for Mindfulness practice, and the ability to move at their own pace.

We require 60 minutes for your initial Mindfulness Meditation assessment to thoroughly go through your history, goals, and any other questions you may have. This is a fact finding session, and will be integral in determining what follow up sessions are recommended.

Generally, our Physiotherapist takes you through a meditation within the session, and provides you with a recommended treatment plan to guide you through your options. These may include home practice, ongoing 1:1 sessions or the more specific Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course. As every person is different, our treatment plans change depending on what your goals are.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR)

This 8 week evidence based course has benefited those with stress, chronic pain, and anxiety – as well as those who simply want to improve their mental well-being. Read on to find out more about the course!

Marelle does not currently have any upcoming courses scheduled. If you would like to book in for an individual session with Marelle, please call the clinic on (08) 8373 5655.

About MBSR

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is an eight week, evidence-based course that was originally developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979. It is now taught worldwide in many different settings, from hospitals to community centres for a range of chronic pain and stress related health problems.

Benefits range from improvements in immune function, reduction in pain and increased sense of ability to cope with a range of stressful situations.

Mindfulness Meditation is a type of attentional brain training that has its roots in Eastern philosophy and meditation practices. It has been adapted for use in healthcare and can be described as a way of developing the capacity to pay attention, particularly reducing the tendency to ruminate and over-think pain and health problems.

MBSR has benefited people reporting a range of conditions and concerns, including:

  • Stress including work, school, financial, illness, ageing, pain
  • Medical Conditions including chronic illness and pain, high blood pressure, cancer, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and some skin conditions
  • Psychological Distress including anxiety, panic, mild depression, fatigue and sleep disturbances
  • Prevention and Wellness including general health enhancement and wellness. This can be focused on learning how to take good care of yourself, as well as developing a greater sense of being connected to your body, balance and ease


What to expect from MBSR

A full Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course is comprised of eight weekly 2.5 hour classes and one full day retreat.

MBSR courses also run at varying times and dates throughout the year.

The classes are highly participatory, supportive and structured. Each session provides a range of activities, including:

1.      Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation
2.      Gentle stretching and mindful yoga/movements
3.      Group discussion and dialogue
4.      Exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life
5.      Daily home assignments
6.      Home practice materials including access to recordings and a workbook

Participation in MBSR requires an ongoing commitment for the duration of the course.  Participants will be asked to attend all classes, including the all day session and to practice daily for around 30 minutes.

Marelle Wilson facilitates the MBSR Course at Move. Marelle is an Associate of Openground, which is Australia’s largest Mindfulness training network which is endorsed by:


Is MBSR right for you?

This course is aimed at the general public and is not helpful or suitable for everyone. When you register for the course you will be asked a series of questions in the application form that will help us determine whether or not the course is likely to be safe and beneficial for you at this time.

In some circumstances we may suggest that you consider either waiting a while to take the course, or that you explore other options, including more specialist mindfulness-based programmes designed for people experiencing specific difficulties, or support from a GP or mental health professional.

This guide outlines some of the issues that we have found can limit or prevent people from benefiting from our public MBSR course: “Is MBSR the right course and/or the right time for me to attend?”

Of course, everyone’s situation is slightly different, and we encourage you to speak to either to the course teacher, or your GP/psychologist/psychiatrist after reading the information below, you have any remaining concerns or questions about the suitability of the course for you.


Upcoming Course Dates

Marelle does not currently have any upcoming courses scheduled. If you would like to book in for an individual session with Marelle, please call the clinic on (08) 8373 5655.

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