Having delivered literally thousands of treatments to headache and migraine sufferers, Move for Better Health has developed an evidence-based treatment approach as a well-respected, conservative option for headache and migraine sufferers.

About Headache & Migraine Treatment

Move for Better Health has previously worked closely with world renowned headache and migraine expert, Dean Watson, to treat those affected by these often-debilitating conditions. Dean’s theory suggests that all types of headache have a common link. This link is a sensitivity in part of the brain stem called the Trigemino-Cervical Nucleus, which can be caused by neck problems. The types of headaches affected by this area may include tension headaches, migraine, menstrual migraine and cluster headaches.

This means that even if the trigger of your headache or migraine is unrelated to your neck, the neck may be the key to unlocking your headaches!

An assessment by Physiotherapists with training in headache treatment can identify these issues, and develop a treatment plan for you.

Find out more about neck pain, headaches & migraines here.

What we Do

Our Physiotherapists have undergone extensive training in the treatment of headache and migraine, and provide a unique approach to treatments. A thorough assessment at your first appointment will be used to plan your treatment and any further investigations which may need to be done.

By the end of your assessment, you are given a clear diagnosis, including the classification of your headache type, and a list of factors that may be triggering or contributing to your problem.

We also offer a range of exercise options & classesMindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses, and dry needling, which may also be useful depending on your specific circumstances.

Not every patient needs all these treatments, but a thorough assessment will determine which are appropriate for you.

As part of a holistic approach to your management, we may also refer to other allied health professionals that could assist with optimal management of your condition.

How to Book

To book with any of our experienced & qualified allied health staff, you can:

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