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Physiotherapy Exercise.

Move Physio has a number of Physiotherapist-led exercise options, including classes and individual sessions, which may suit you if you’re wanting to:

  • Rehabilitate an injury
  • Manage an ongoing health condition or movement issue
  • Maintain your strength and mobility

Our Exercise Options Include:

Equipment Classes: Ideal for those needing a personalised, Physiotherapy-led approach to exercise. These classes usually consist of exercises performed on the Reformer, Trapeze Tables and Multichairs, as well as general matwork, ball, or resistance exercises. You first attend an initial assessment, so a Physiotherapist can thoroughly assess you and prepare your personalised Equipment program.

Pilates Mat Classes: Led by certified instructors, our Pilates Mat Classes are ideal for those who are wanting to work on their fitness, strength and mobility, and do not have an ongoing health or movement issue

Pilates Reformer Classes: Similar to our Pilates Mat classes, we run Pilates Reformer Classes which are undertaken on the Reformer only, and are focused on fitness, strength and mobility. These classes are not ideal for those with ongoing health or movement issues

These options can help manage or improve:

How to Book

If you would like to join our Exercise Classes, you will first need an assessment with a Physiotherapist. During this assessment, your Physiotherapist will speak to you about your medical history, perform a clinical assessment relevant to your issue and goals.

You can read more about what to expect when you see a Physiotherapist here.

Online Bookings for Physio at Malvern

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Online Bookings for Physio at Magill

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