Our Support Staff

Elyse Sutcliffe General Manager

Elyse manages our operations, admin team, marketing and communications, and works out of all of the Move for Better Health locations across the week. 

  • Extra Studies: Diploma of Marketing & Communication, Certificate IV in Frontline Management
  • Qualification: Bachelor of Design (Visual Communications)

Elyse completed further studies in management and communications, and has since gone on to work with allied health providers to manage their operations, admin, marketing and communication needs. 

She keeps the operational and administrative side of the business running as smoothly as possible, as well as managing Move’s digital presence, brand and outgoing communications.

When she’s not at work, she keeps busy looking after her garden, indoor plants and pets!

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Georgia Pantelis People & Culture Coordinator

Georgia began working at Move Physio as a junior receptionist when she started studying at university. She has always been involved and exposed to the health industry and her love for the impact it makes in people’s lives (including her own) has only grown since being part of the Move family. She loves helping people reach their goals and seeing them progress in their journey. 

  • Qualifications: Bachelor of Psychology (Honours); Bachelor Business (Marketing)
  • Achievements: Life member of the Golden Key International Honour Society; Receiving Second Class Division A for her Psychology Honours Thesis. 

You will see Georgia around all of our clinics across the week! 

She has a range of experience and is able to assist in any enquiries relating to bookings, accounts or third party matters. In addition to her usual administrative duties, Georgia is part of our operations team where she coordinates regular marketing activities as well as coordinating people and culture projects, mainly assisting our staff around the clinics! 

When she is not at work, you can find Georgia spending time with her dog Samson, enjoying a meal out with her family and friends, or planning her next holiday! 

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Sarah Seymour-Smith Receptionist

Sarah helps enable our clients to improve their health and well-being by informing them of our services, scheduling appointments and classes, and ensuring that everything is running smoothly around the practice.

  • Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Certificate IV in Business Management

Sarah loves working with people and was drawn to careers that allowed her to do this. She has worked in HR, event management, catering, and project management. 

She’s lived in Adelaide with her family for most of her life, and enjoys travel, culture and art.. She now enjoys working in our fast-paced, health focused environment as she loves to see people living their best life by moving and taking care of themselves. You will see Sarah’s smiling face at our Malvern clinic during the week.

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Kate Wood Receptionist

Kate assists clients face to face and over the phone with their schedules and service enquiries. You can see her smiling face at our Malvern clinic during the week. 

When Kates is not at Move, she is spending time with her two children or travelling. 

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Olivia Crawford Receptionist

Olivia works across our Malvern & Magill sites assisting clients with bookings, payments and all types of enquiries. 

  • Qualifications:  Bachelor of Psychology (Cognitive Neuroscience) (Honours)

Olivia was excited about joining Move, not only to get an understanding of the healthcare industry, but in particular, Move’s progressive approach to multidisciplinary healthcare. When Olivia isn’t studying Cognitive Neuroscience or working, she is likely to be found with her dog Kobe or planning her next big adventure!

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Christine Meijborg Receptionist

Christine is part of our administrative support team, and works from our Malvern and Magill Move for Better Health Clinics helping clients with bookings, enquiries and payments.

  • Qualifications: Nursing, Midwifery, Medicines Australia Diploma; Leadership & Project Management
  • Achievements: Cycling over 22000kms on the Tandem within Australia and Europe. Walking over 900kms of the Heysen Trail

Christine has worked in health  for most of her life and is excited to be part of the Move for Better Health team so she can assist others in living their best and most active lives. After travelling in her previous roles, she looks forward to staying within SA so she can help her home community.

When she is not at work or out Tandem Bike riding, Christine enjoys knitting complex patterns for herself and her loved ones and uses it as a form of mindfulness.

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Chloe Tziavrangos Receptionist

Chloe has been part of the Move for Better health administrative support team since 2020. She is able to assist you with your service enquiries, booking schedule and payments. You can usually see her smiling face around the clinic at our Malvern location. 

  • Achievements: Completing the IB program & being School Captain for the class of 2023. 

Chloe has developed many skills while working here at Move and has adapted her studious nature to fit in well into her professional working environment. You may see more of Chloe now that she has finished high school and preparing for her next adventure. When she is not at work, you can find Chloe with her beloved miniature  cavoodle called Indy or indulging in her passion for music! 

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Alex Kemp Receptionist

Alex is part of Move for Better Health’s administrative support team, and works across our Malvern & Magill sites assisting clients with bookings, payments and all types of enquiries.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Media Arts, Certs lll & IV in Fitness, currently studying a Bachelor of Health Science

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Georgie Harvey Receptionist

Georgie Harvey assists clients face to face and over the phone with their schedules and service enquiries. You can see her smiling face at our Malvern & Glenelg clinics during the week. 

  • Achievements: Dux of Mercedes College (2022)


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Anne-Marie Kelly Receptionist

Anne-Marie is based at our Glenelg location, Bayside Phyio and Pilates, and helps patients manage their booking and payments, and answers any questions they may have.

  • Extra studies: Various workshops while working in fashion.
  • Achievements: Winning a trip to France for being the top manager in a previous role!

Anne-Marie has a varied working history with roles in the medical and fashion industries. She loves helping our clients with their needs and enjoys catching up with everyone at Bayside, so be sure to have a chat with her next time you are in the clinic.

Anne-Marie is a lover of dogs, Thai food and fashion. When she is not at Bayside, you can find her out for a walk or decorating her home!

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Zoe Andrews Receptionist

Zoe is based from our Magill location at Eastern Sports and Spinal Care. She can assist you face to face and over the phone with service enquiries, schedules and payments. 

Zoe has a range of experience working within the service industry for a number of years. Most recently, she began her work with Eastern Sports and Spinal Care in 2023 and has thoroughly enjoyed the cross over in experience she gains from her role here with her studies at university. 

  • Studies: Currently undertaking a Bachelor of Physiotherapy after completing a year and a half of Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Advanced).  
  • Achievements: Winning a national title in Sports Aerobics, coming 1st place in rowing Head of River. 
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Ben Padfield Receptionist

Ben Padfield has been part of our administrative team for a number of years, assisting with bookings, payments as well as any enquiries you may have about our services. You may see him at our Glenelg clinic regularly as well as our other sites

  • Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Marketing), currently studying Bachelor of Physiotherapy 
  • Achievements: Footy Premiership winner 2018; running the Melbourne Marathon in 2023. 

Ben finds working in healthcare very purposeful, even prompting him to return to study Physiotherapy! He is inquisitive and passionate about learning in his personal and professional life, a trait that makes him a valuable member of our team. He enjoys exercising in some form or another, but mostly running, having completed the Melbourne Marathon in 2023. 


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Alana Varricchio Receptionist

Alana assists our clients with their schedules, service enquiries and accounts. You may find Alana around any of our Malvern, Magill or Glenelg clinics throughout the week and on the weekends. 

  • Studies: Currently undertaking a Bachelor of Speech Pathology 

Alana has a range of experience working in the retail industry as well as coaching high school volleyball and soccer teams. Her sporting interests extend to also playing soccer in the WNPL Reserves league!

Working at Move for Better Health algins with Alana’s studies, as she is currently completing her Bachelor’s in Speech Pathology. Her love for helping people and assisting them improve their quality of life was the reason why she chose to study in an allied health field and she is excited to bring that love to the Move team to assist our community as well!

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Lucas Tziavrangos Receptionist

Lucas Tziavrangos is part of our support team here at Move for Better Health! You will see him running around the Malvern clinic on a Saturday assisting our admin team.

  • Achievements:  Middle School Vice Captain, Completed bronze Duke of Edinburgh

When Lucas is not at school or at Move, you will find him being a very active member of our community! This includes playing soccer, cycling, running or doing a park run with his dad! Lucas is also very musically inclined and has completed his Certificate of Performance for Saxophone.

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Vicky Andrews Receptionist

Vicky is based from our Magill location and comes from our Eastern Sports and Spinal team!

She is an experienced team member who is available to assist with all of your service and account enquiries!

When she is not assisting our staff and clients, you can find Vicky enjoying a meal out with her family and friends, or spending some time reading her favourite novels.

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